Thursday, October 29, 2009

Continuing on as a sophomore...

After my freshman year, I went home to Norway to spend the summer with my folks. It was nice, after those few months away, to get back and spend some time with them. I slept till noon most days, and didn't do a whole lot. They lived in a penthouse - at least that's what we liked to call it, cause it was the whole top floor of a small apartment building - and it was a really nice place. Explored the city and learned about the Norwegian way of life. Hung out with my mom and my brother, even though he was still in high school, and in his own world. The Norwegians are a beautiful people, and the city was beautiful as well. Very clean. And the socialist government made for no extremes of rich or poor among the people. I kind of liked that. We started to learn a little bit of the Norwegian language, cause my mom and dad were of the mind that when you're in a foreign country, you should try to assimilate yourself to it. I agree...Why should they speak MY language? I'm a visitor there! But, we found out that they wanted to practice their English on us.

Baker had an Interterm in their schedule. It was a month - in January - where a student could pick from some scheduled projects, or do one on their own, as part of their class curriculum. I tried to figure out what I could do and still not have to go back to the campus, and make it work with my holiday in Norway. I was also still in contact with the guy that I had met in Athens the summer before, who lived in Brooklyn, NY. So I found out about an interterm project in New York City with the sociology department. So, as the end of my holiday in Norway, I flew into NYC and met up with the group that was there for the Urban Studies Interterm. Even though my motives were selfish, I ended being really glad that I went! And...I did NOT end up seeing Bob. I guess he blew me off. One of my first of many experiences with men blowing me off....another story.

The group stayed at the YMCA in Manhattan, and went to places like a halfway house, the projects, an off-off Broadway play, and a few other non-touristy places. We also did get to see Times Square, the Statue of Liberty, the World Trade Centers, which were not even completed yet, and the Empire State Building. I enjoyed walking along the streets in NY. There were so many people, and so many different kinds!! What an experience!! I haven't been back there since then, but I'm sure it's changed. We spent some time at a Howard Johnson's restaurant, and I met a man there, an older man, who warmed my heart. I remember feeling good about him after talking with him. It was a good trip, and I learned a lot, but I have always wanted to go back. There's always something happening in NYC!! I really don't think I could live there - I love nature way too much for that - but I do think I would like the excitement and the culture there.

After that great experience, I headed back to Baker for the second semester of my freshman year. I'm not sure when it was that I lost my virginity...but I do remember who it was, and how it happened. An experience I won't forget, but I am sorry that it was with someone I"ll probably never, ever see again, and that I was drinking at the time. Unfortunately, I hadn't given it much some do. I hadn't said to myself "Oh this is how I'd like to lose my virginity!" No, it just happened. And I hate that. But ...that's the way it is. Can't change it now. I'm just glad it wasn't traumatic or violent.

I guess I did my share of drinking that first year. All college freshmen do. Little did I know what it would lead to in later years.

That summer I went home to Norway again, and I think it was that year that my grandparents came over and we did some traveling around Europe while they were there. It was that summer that I met a girl in Oslo who was an American from Minnesota, and who was studying Norwegian studies at a college there. She was in Norway doing some kind of overseas study thing, and we hit it off right away. It was great. Her name was Kris Rustad, and we hung out quite a bit that summer. We also met a couple of Moroccan men, which was fun, too. We had a great time trying to communicate with them. They didn't speak English, nor did they want to, but they did speak French, so that's how we communicated. Kris and I had a minimal knowledge of French. They took us around Oslo, cooked for us, and generally showed us a good time. I loved their Moroccan food, and the sort of mysterious, dark feeling they had about them. I thought I had fallen in love, his name was Amar, but looking back, that was really stupid. The only saving grace was the he didn't even want to come to the US!! I thought that was good...

Kris said goodbye, went back to the States, and we promised to keep in touch. I stayed in Oslo until it was time for me to return to Baker for my sophomore year.

I was still in touch with my friend from Herringswell - Jeannie - and talked her into applying, and being accepted - to Baker U. So it was in the plans that she would come to Baker that year. She was a year behind me in school, and had just graduated from Herringswell. So it was with much pleasure that she and I roomed together at the dorm my sophomore year. It was so good to have a close friend come to join me there!! The only problem was that I had already been there a year, knew my way around and had made a few friends, and she had just started. I tried to include her in all that I did, but she had some difficulty deciding what she wanted to do in her classes. We had a good time, anyway.

I had changed my major to philosophy, religion, sociology, psychology...whatever mood I was in that day. I think I finally settled on Foreign Languages, simply because they came easy to me. Jeannie and I did lots of things together and made lots of friends. It was good to be with her, and to have a familiar face around me. I'm not sure she really liked it, cause she ended up leaving after her first year.

I don't remember much about my sophomore year, other than what I've already talked about. I think that might have been the year that I walked with the VVAW in their walk against the war, but it might have been my junior year. I was still in the dorm - I stayed in the dorm until my senior year.


  1. You'll be happy to know that Howard Johnson's is no longer in Times Square as it was a favorite haunt for many locals and tourists. Everyone whom I ever talk to has a Howard Johnson's favorite story. I do really enjoy reading your blog.

  2. Yea. isn't that funny? I don't know that I've even been in a Howard Johnson's since then!!
